Great concept for a movie just to much unneeded scenes from the discovery channel.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
The film is already part of my subconscious. The pungent focus on a microscopic nucleus is as powerful as it is recognizable. The film renewed my love for film in one single viewing. It s a profoundly religious experience without being "fundamentalist" in any way. An artist's view made of distant memories who live in a permanent present. Brad Pitt is astonishing. That Irish-American, Catholic father from the 1950's is an X ray into something we've never seen, not on film that is. He arrives to levels of unimaginable clarity with very few words. It reminded of my father talking about his own father. I wept like a child. Jessica Chastain is also superb and the children, quite extraordinary. I can't wait to see it again.
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
The movie follows the life of Jack (Sean Penn), the eldest son of his abusive father (Brad Pitt) and loving mother (Jessica Chastain).It's impressionistic, sometimes incoherent. It is beautifully filmed. Terrence Malick has created either the greatest artistic show or the worst movie of all times. It purports to examine the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. Or is it just a mess that people read too much into? In the end, I can't really tell. In all honesty, I can't recommend it unless you're a Malick fan. I would suggest at least an attempt for the more adventurous movie goer.